Fun math |
Wednesday, 20 December 2023 18:37 |
Mrs. Gergana Stoencheva diversified the mathematics lessons in 5.A, 5.B and 5.C class. The students put into practice their knowledge of the concept of "common fraction". They worked on projects "The Pet of the Common Fractions" and "Garden of Fractions". Through the parts of the circle - half, quarter, eight and others, they created amazing pictures using their imagination.
"Together for Zdravko and Milen" |
Wednesday, 20 December 2023 06:07 |
Ученици, родители и учители от СУ“Иван Вазов“ гр.Сопот приеха присърце благородната кауза на НПО „Хлапетата“. Изработиха Коледни картички и сувенири за благотворителния базар „Магазин за Надежда“.
Коледен календар |
Wednesday, 13 December 2023 13:22 |
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